Later you'll group these fields into the appropriate tables and apply the rules of normalization to tighten the schema.
This relationship is sometimes called 1nf, or 1st normal form, and according to the rules of normalization, it's the goal that you seek.
It's beyond the scope of this article to cover all the rules of normalization or to provide the mathematical background on which the rules of normalization are based.
In the absence of such a rule, you can usually combine both tables into one table without breaking any normalization rules.
To study and formulate regulations and rules, as well as detailed measures and methods for the normalization of market order;
The problem of inference rules for multivalued dependency is the key to solve implication problem between dependencies in XML and the key problem of XML normalization theory.
The problem of inference rules for multivalued dependency is the key to solve implication problem between dependencies in XML and the key problem of XML normalization theory.