The rural life is the life for me.
The old man prefers the rural life to the life in the city.
"Man Crossing the Woman River" is a very popular TV series reflecting the rural life.
Pump water spring, the rural life of the main drainage and irrigation machinery summer.
Based on the survey in Tangshan, Hebei Province, the paper sampled and analyzed the rural life and the location features of the public Spaces.
In other words, the basic motives of Linda Yin's creation are lack of motherly love, misfortune background, sickly body and unsatisfied emotions to the rural life.
Rural literature writers must stand on it and surpass it, then they can discover deep and universal points of the rural life which has been an important part of human life.
The ultimate aim of the environmental agriculture is the foundation of the high quality of the natural and social environment for the agricultural production and the rural life.
And we should deepen our understanding to the realities and enrich the sociological theories on the presents through carefully descriptions of the real pictures of the rural life.
Fei Ming comes out from Huangmei village as a writer. He has deep feelings for human scenery of his own homeland, so that he can not escape the rural life experience to give his intuition on writing.
Much of his early work is concerned with the minutiae of rural life.
Migration from rural areas to urban cities has become a common phenomenon as the youth want to seek a more prosperous life.
Migration from rural areas to urban cities has become a common phenomenon as the youth want to seek a better and more prosperous life.
People in the rural areas live a happier and happier life with the care of the government.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the new Museum of Industrial and Rural Life.
Besides the love of nature, Cheng had another reason why he loved rural life - he believed in the magic of nature.
"I'd been dreaming of a rural life for decades, but my work hampered me," Cheng says. "Cancer brought me the chance to start living all over again.
Some even say the life of a rural citizen is treated as cheaper than that of a city dweller.
There's in those images, I think, a kind of utopian promise that the familiar, ordinary pleasures of rural life can be recaptured in a new society of plenty.
And you'll see on your handout two quotations from poems by Hughes, the first, "125th Street," giving us well, here, images of black life in the rural south transposed to Harlem.
Lack of access to skilled care and to major obstetric interventions is the prime reason why large Numbers of mothers in rural areas are excluded from life-saving care at childbirth.
The transformation from rural to urban life was so sudden, and so wrenching, that the only thing society could do to manage was to drink itself into a stupor for a generation.
The transformation from rural to urban life was so sudden, and so wrenching, that the only thing society could do to manage was to drink itself into a stupor for a generation.