The sense of community is lost.
But we also like the sense of community you get from RACES.
The influx of strangers had strained the local infrastructure and disrupted the sense of community.
Improvements to the site and recreation facilities help to bolster the sense of community for the residents.
In the process, critics say, the cities could lose the sense of community and street life that are important sources of vitality.
As Americans, and as human beings, we seek not only the security, but the sense of dignity, the sense of community, that work confers.
Secondly, these posts foster the sense of community and trust that give consumers greater confidence in the commercial-oriented classifieds.
The social constructivism provides an excellent analytical perspective to foster the sense of community that as in deficiency at present.
社会建构论为 目前处于缺失 状态下的社区意识的培育提供了一个极佳的分析视角。
The sense of community and the social constructivism, complementary in methods and coherent in pursuit of value, are consistent in essence.
I began to feel lonely, and, as the days passed, to yearn for the sense of community that had been so electrifying in the streets of Linfen.
They poetry freed from the sense of community is shown to promote diversification of Chinese poetry, marginalization, personalization trend.
The miller and his wife have a new house with luxuries like running water. But many people complained that they missed the sense of community they once enjoyed in their ancient village.
Both of these have potentially profound implications, and in some ways, they both are related to another underlying trend, the loss of the sense of community and a sense of communal purpose.
The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up.
This cultivates a sense of goodwill and helps the university avoid becoming isolated from the larger community.
Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together.
Feeling bored may signal the desire for a greater sense of community and the feeling that you fit in with others around you.
In its most general sense, prescriptivism is the view that one variety of language has an inherently higher value than others, and that this ought to be imposed on the whole of the speech community.
One of the places we saw that sense of community on display was on the floor of Congress, where Gabby Giffords, who inspires us with her recovery, is deeply missed by her colleagues.
The dialogue exchanged between customers and companies can be highly beneficial for both sides, and build and strengthen a sense of community, which is the fundamental purpose of social media.
Even among the newly homeless from the tsunami, there is a sense of civility and community that creates pause among international onlookers.
They are committed to creating or re-creating them because of their sense of having lost family, friends, and community, as well as the lifestyle that accompanies them, when their loved one died.
She says children have to live with the stigma, the sense of shame connected to AIDS. Many are bullied at school or excluded from the community.
In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and the effective functioning of a community.
A project like this calls back the soul into a community. It brings back to even the most broken people their sense of self-worth.
But America's success may have been a strategic anomaly, the benefit of uncontested naval supremacy and a unified sense of strategic aims within the international community.
The researcher found that avatars increased the sense of emotional involvement in this kind of community.
The researcher found that avatars increased the sense of emotional involvement in this kind of community.