He was more contented in making shoes, than was any of the seven sages .
On the walls of this venerable shrine is written the precepts of the seven sages.
Famous poet Li Bai, once regarded her as one of the seven sages in Tang Dynasty.
Seven Sages of metaphysics bamboo grove had a fundamental inclination of "getting over the Confucian ethical code but letting the nature at ease".
His figures paintings include "the eighteen arhats", "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove", "the eight Immortals" and so on.
Seven Sages One village homes sit south and west of the new West Street, before and after a total of four houses connected to the formation of the three courtyard, 4500 square meters floor area.
Seven Sages One village homes sit south and west of the new West Street, before and after a total of four houses connected to the formation of the three courtyard, 4500 square meters floor area.