Three years of pain, The Seven year Itch.
Marriage tired that the seven year itch, itching to want to leave because of bad blood on that.
The Seven year Itch is a relationship term - usually after 7 years people tend to re-evaluate their relationship.
Wilder made famous movies like "Sunset Boulevard", "Some Like It Hot", and "Double Indemnity. " He also directed "The Lost Weekend", "The Apartment", and "The Seven Year Itch. "
earned $22.8 million over the weekend and included the record-breaking sale of Marilyn Monroe's iconic "subway dress" from 1955 movie "The Seven Year Itch," organizers said on Monday.
拍卖会主办方本周一表示,女星黛比 雷诺兹好莱坞纪念品拍卖会上周末结束,拍卖总价高达2280万美元。 其中,玛丽莲 梦露在1955年出演电影《七年之痒》时所穿的一件经典“地铁裙”打破了此前的成交纪录。
The words were uttered by Marilyn Monroe in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch as she stood above a New York subway grate and gusts of subterranean air lifted her white dress well above the knee.
When Marilyn Monroe played the iconic character of the 22-year-old "the Girl" in the 1955 flick the Seven year Itch, a stir was caused among psychologists, pop culture analysts and couples alike.
The "honeymoon period" implies post-honeymoon strife; the "seven-year itch" suggests that we tire of our mate at year seven.
But couples who manage to survive the seven-year itch would be wise not to get complacent.
The seven-year itch isn't a myth; the U.S. Census Bureau says the median duration of first marriages that end in divorce is 7.9 years.
The seven-year itch isn'ta myth; the U.S. Census Bureau says the median duration of firstmarriages that end in divorce is 7.9 years.
Originally, the “seven-year itch” referred to an untreatable skin condition called scabies that lasted seven years.
But in the end they lost long-distance love is not lost in seven-year itch, but was shocked by the strong pressure at home.
Cheng Ding is keen to end his "seven-year itch" against the city of Beijing once and for all - by retreating back home to Sichuan Province.
The old couple passed the seven-year itch a long time ago.
Forget the seven-year itch, the real test comes at TWELVE years.
A study suggests that we tire of our partners far sooner than we did in the 50s, when the danger point was the seven-year itch.
We often hear the couple quarrel. They must have the seven-year itch.
I joke that the four of us, and have a seven-year itch has.
Cheng Ding is keen to end his "seven-year itch" against the city of Beijing once and for all - by retreating back home to Sichuan Province.
Cheng Ding is keen to end his "seven-year itch" against the city of Beijing once and for all - by retreating back home to Sichuan Province.