They also need to be free from some of the measures that prevail in the rest of the company. But they must avoid becoming skunk works.
Move Google's top analysts (probably focused on monetization right now) onto the Google + project to form a skunk works team.
将Google最优秀的分析师(很可能现在正在关注一些货币化的工作)转移到Google +的项目中组成一个特别工作室。
Today we move around more, but great work still comes disproportionately from a few hotspots: the Bauhaus, the Manhattan Project, the New Yorker, Lockheed's Skunk Works, Xerox Parc.
现代人迁移得更多了,但伟大的作品仍然不成比例地来自几个热点地区:鲍豪斯 (Bauhaus),曼哈顿计划,纽约客,洛克希德的Skunk Works,施乐的帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Xerox Parc).
Today we move around more, but great work still comes disproportionately from a few hotspots: the Bauhaus, the Manhattan Project, the New Yorker, Lockheed's Skunk Works, Xerox Parc.
现代人迁移得更多了,但伟大的作品仍然不成比例地来自几个热点地区:鲍豪斯 (Bauhaus),曼哈顿计划,纽约客,洛克希德的Skunk Works,施乐的帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Xerox Parc).