Ma Huan's diary, entitled Ying Yai Sheng-lan (an Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores), was published in 1451 on the eve of its author's death.
The data of this study entitled "how the unpaid housework get admission of social and financial policy" came from a Europe-wide survey of how use times.
The study, entitled Unpacking the beauty premium, was the largest exercise of its kind and repeated a survey from 1984 to see if the beauty premium had changed.
Although those living alone are entitled to a 25 percent reduction on their council tax, the survey indicated that the average amount spent on council tax by a single person each month is 90 pounds.
Although those living alone are entitled to a 25 percent reduction on their council tax, the survey indicated that the average amount spent on council tax by a single person each month is 90 pounds.