But for me, the surest laughs came from the portentous percussion in Carter Burwell's wonderful underscoring; it pile-drives an expectation of suspense that the film never delivers.
对我来说,真正的笑声是来自Carter Burwell装腔作势的打击乐器,这样的配乐传递出影像并没有达到的对悬念的期待。
The film suspense theory of the philosopher Carrol is of great theoretical value and significance.
The movie "Amour" won the award for best foreign language film without suspense.
Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, known for horror and suspense thrillers, is an executive producer on "Puss in Boots, " giving the film an edge as well as that Latin flavor.
Who can become the queen of the hive become the biggest suspense film!
Kubrik film of suspense because of his interest in exploring the deep and mysterious world.
In the recent film or TV works, most of the journalist roles function as suspense generators or plot structures instead of showing their career or life.
Thirdly, to create real suspense effect, the suspense tactics must be used combing the film language and the detail.
The film can be comparable to a lot of classic suspense story, and one of the hot scenes will even better!
The film can be comparable to a lot of classic suspense story, and one of the hot scenes will even better!