The tag question is a very common linguistic phenomenon in oral English.
The tag question is one of the important English sentence patterns of speech.
If the first part of the sentence is affirmative, the tag question is usually negative.
I've got several emails with a "to be answered in a post" tag that all ask this question - "How do I find the motivation to work at home when I just don't feel like it?"
Question: I am creating a project which implements C2A (Click to Action) functionality. In the wsdl file in the binding tag, it is giving an error stating
It can be done either through a CONNECT tag, in which case the custom caching applies only to the component in question, or through a URL, in which case the custom caching applies to the entire page.
We examine every tag and ask the following question.
Each poll tag has the unique ID of the poll and the text of the question.
The question, though, is what about the whitespace between the end of the opening arena tag and the opening of the ice element.
Note that I print out the file tag info before that question with print_tag_info , so the user is reminded of the file's information.
Citizens question the event's $15 billion price tag – most of it paid for by the state.
Therefore, the failure in question could only happen if the executable running had a name under four characters (it was sed), and had no tag set.
Tag question that expresses uncertainty: Voice drops first and then rises at the end.
And the maverick made a surprise choice of an unknown running mate that, in the final analysis, undercut his ability to tag Obama as inexperienced and called his judgment into question.
First I saw that you had used the "time" tag for your question.
Ask small groups or individual students to repeat each question and affirmative tag answer on the tape.
This paper introduces the USES of tag question in simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences.
The study of the conducive tag question contributes substantially to the study of language typology and English teaching.
The writers talk about nouns , adjectives , prepositions , sentence patterns with 15 exercises of translation , active and passive sentences , tag question , and all tenses ( 12 kinds )
作者探讨名词、形容词、介词、句型(附15回翻译练习题) 、主动与被动式、附加问句、12种时态。
The formation of some exceptional tag questions is discussed, and introduced the inductive analysis through examples on how the question-tags vary with the changes of the statements.
The formation of some exceptional tag questions is discussed, and introduced the inductive analysis through examples on how the question-tags vary with the changes of the statements.