Your brand new hire accidentally sent out the typo-riddled draft of an email to your customers.
Log minor defects found, such as typographical errors or style inconsistencies, on the typo List.
Now we are done with the photo let's start working with the typo to fill out the blank spaces and give some style to the posters.
If you type "nytimes.cmo" or "wikipedia.og," for example, OpenDNS quietly and instantly corrects the typo and sends you where you wanted to go.
比如如果你键入“nytimes . cmo”或“wikipedia . og”,OpenDNS会不动声色的迅速帮你修改掉小错误并打开你原来想浏览的网页。
One is correcting typos. If you type “nytimes.cmo” or “wikipedia.og,” for example, OpenDNS quietly and instantly corrects the typo and sends you where you wanted to go.
Log minor defects found, such as typographical errors or style. inconsistencies, on the typo List. Deliver this to the author at or prior to the inspection meeting.
"Is this a typo, or did the interview take place last year?"
First off that is NOT a typo; there are no quotation marks around the XML that you declare.
The downside of this approach is the possibility that a typo or slight ambiguity in the signature will silently fail, which means the code will compile but "do the wrong thing" at runtime.
The code can fail at run time if it includes even a simple typo.
I have elevated the simple typo to an art form.
In the older days of AIX, you would have modified this database using low-level commands that involved a high degree of risk to the server, where one typo could wreck the operating system.
Typo pirates play on the names of famous sites to collect authentication and registration information.
If you get a PHP-related error (other than something to the effect of "program not found"), then your problem is a typo in the code.
The child's name is hard to read, hard to pronounce, and is prone to typo errors.
Fat finger here refers to the act of performing a typo, often used when referring to password typos.
Hang on, let me spell that typo out: Is that the way you want to LOVE?
For example, take the simple case of a typo in the destination URL.
Addresses items on the Issue Log and Typo Lists.
They estimate that each of the 3264 top sites is targeted by around 280 typo domains.
The missing list on the foreach line isn't a typo: If you omit a list, the foreach structure processes the list of arguments given on the command line.
There was actually a typo in the process preventing it from working the first time; my follow-up query was answered in just over an hour.
Lisa found several typo mistakes she made when she collected the relationship data.
On the other hand, if you're observant, you'll have noticed the lack of a semicolon at the end of the System.out.println call; this is no typo.
另一方面,如果仔细观察,您还会注意到,在System. out . println调用的结尾处缺少分号;这并非输入错误。
If you look at the Debug Messages pane, the answer is spelled out: The variable $multipler is undefined because it's a typo. It should be $multiplier.
如果看一下DebugMessages面板,答案就清楚了:变量 $multipler是未定义的,因为它是一个拼写错误,应该是 $multiplier。
reports an error if the keyword in cfgdbcmd.rsp has any typo, to make sure all the required keywords are correct.
注意,如果cfgdbcmd.rsp 中的关键词有任何排印错误, 会报告一个错误,以确保所有必要的关键词是正确的。
Compile and run the sample parser program ccalc with the following input (which includes a slight typo).
Typo domains confuse consumers and can generate unnecessary costs for the owners of the targeted web domain, say Moore and Edelman.
The is not a typo; this is how iSCSI resolves the target storage names.
ppd 并不是键入错误;这是iSCSI解析目标存储名称的方式。
A simple typo gave Michael Ivey the idea for his company.
仅一个错误就启发了迈克尔·艾维(Michael Ivey),向公司提出了的新点子。