In fact, they have the uncanny ability to nod off in the oddest of places, as these pictures show.
Stephen Wiltshire, an autistic artist, has the uncanny ability to draw detailed cityscapes entirely from memory, UK media reported.
Now scientists at the College of Wooster in Ohio say that you might have had a skill you didn't realize: the uncanny ability to hear a bully coming.
Men have the uncanny ability to find nearly anything humorous. Funny is funny, and whether the joke is appropriate or not doesn't matter to most guys.
Cayce had the uncanny ability of putting himself asleep at will and speaking in an authoritative voice on subjects far beyond the range of his normal knowledge.
Some guys have all the luck and are naturally blessed with the uncanny ability to maintain an erection in front of a crowd and cameras until they're directed to "pop" on command.
But by any name or reckoning, it remains a place apart, with an uncanny ability to weave itself into the dreams of all who draw near.
Men may bemoan women's uncanny ability to remember every word and nuance of an argument weeks later, but there's a scientific basis for the gender gap.
We are for the most part unable to introspect—to wonder about our uncanny ability to fly or to meet somebody long dead.
Large groups have an uncanny ability to get the right answers-just see James Surowiecki's famous book on the subject for proof.
大型集团拥有获取正确答案的超常能力——可在James Surowiecki关于该主题的流行图书中找到证据。
The secret of carrier pigeons 'uncanny ability to find their way home has been discovered by scientists: the feathered navigators follow the roads just like we do.
If a trader is particularly effective, we tend to assume that he or she must have some special talent, some uncanny ability to decipher the market.
She had an uncanny ability to read the character of a person.
Hal's got that uncanny ability to see into the future.
At 9th level, he gains a second augmentation and is granted the effects of the improved uncanny dodge ability.
Now a top CEO communication coach, Bates is renowned for her uncanny ability to transform even the shyest oratorical mouse into a public-speaking lion.
For his uncanny ability to perform and to convey emotions and feelings by his own physical presence, for his incredible ability to represent the whole story of the movie.
For his uncanny ability to perform and to convey emotions and feelings by his own physical presence, for his incredible ability to represent the whole story of the movie.