He is also a lawyer, worked in New York and the United States District Court practice.
Today, the United States has filed the civil lawsuit in the United States District Court in New Orleans against nine defendants.
For example, in the federal system the trial court is the United States District court, of which there is at least one in every state.
But after legal action, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California cancelled the agencys approval last year.
But after legal action, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California cancelled the agency's approval last year.
On October 5, 2007, a federal arrest warrant was issued by the United States District Court, Central District of California, after Okuomose was charged with wire fraud and mail fraud.
Under these circumstances, we vacate the judgment and remand the case to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
United States District Court Judge Robert W. Sweet issued the 152-page decision, which invalidated seven patents related to the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, whose mutations have been associated with cancer.
美国联邦地方法院法官Robertw .Sweet宣读了这份长达152页的判决书,该判决书使与BRCA1和BRCA2相关的七种基因专利无效,而BRCA1和BRCA2这两种基因于癌症有关系。
United States District Court Judge Robert W. Sweet issued the 152-page decision, which invalidated seven patents related to the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, whose mutations have been associated with cancer.
美国联邦地方法院法官Robertw .Sweet宣读了这份长达152页的判决书,该判决书使与BRCA1和BRCA2相关的七种基因专利无效,而BRCA1和BRCA2这两种基因于癌症有关系。