Sichuan is located at the upper stream of Yangtze River with remarkable advantages of resource, sci-tech and market.
Up to now, in the upper stream of construction project, including feasibility analysis, only some simple computer systems have been used.
ChongQing is the economic center city that the city is the upper stream region of Yangtze River, should have the infrastructure of the high level.
A quantitative evaluation of beneficial result in conserving water and protecting soil erosion of froest in the upper stream of Miyun reservoir is produced from the information system.
When we sleep, for example, the saliva stream slows, and sulfur producing bacteria gain the upper hand, producing classic "morning breath".
This is because the winds normally vary widely between the near-surface and the upper atmosphere, home to the eastward-flowing jet stream.
This is why we talk about the 'jet stream' in the upper atmosphere.
The southern warm and moist stream at boundary layer is obstructed by Dabie Mountain and the obstruction enforces the rain band at the upper part of the windward side.
Only in this way, can we eventually solve the bottleneck problem encountering in upper stream products in industry chain like LCD.
Under the same experiment conditions, the shrunk stream diameter of upper taper sieve trays is maximum, common sieve trays' is second, and lower taper sieve trays' is minimum.
The results show that the inhomogeneous distribution of temperature advection in upper jet stream trigger vertical currents in the marginal area of upper jet stream and cause airplane turbulence.
At upper flow regime, the total stream power gradually deviate the effective stream power from movable plane bed to existence of sand wave.
The flow field parameter distribution can be affected more in upper stream, especially near the leading edge area while the Mach number distribution of the upstream blade surface is affected little.
The paper forword a mathematical model of stream function for sinkings with no internal mandrel and applies the upper bound approach principle to make further deduction and calculation.
Everyday, innumerable greedy of the vision move in this upper stream, she poised place it, because she be a red card miss here.
Jilin Province is located on the upper and middle stream of the main rivers of the northeast region.
Analyses and finds the maximum theoretical action radius under the condition of no flash vaporization upper stream side of the throttle.
The pollutants are mainly from point pollution source of upper stream of Zhuozhang river.
The influence in the upper reaches is larger than the lower stream.
The bog in upper stream formed early, and had begun in early Middle Holocene;
The region segmentation is arranged on the down stream side of the scanning position, and the region segmentation has a low which is lower than the upper surface of the transparent platform;
The region segmentation is arranged on the down stream side of the scanning position, and the region segmentation has a low which is lower than the upper surface of the transparent platform;