We have veterans who practically have to sue the Veterans Administration to get their artificial limns.
On the whole, the Veterans Administration has done a very fine job under very, very difficult circumstances.
They met in 1941, when Dr. Werner was stationed in New Orleans as a physician for the Veterans Administration.
A major goal is to introduce the product to the Veterans Administration system, where it could have significant impact.
The Veterans Administration ALS registry closed in 2011, replaced the following month -- partly at the urging of the ALS Association -- with another national registry.
退伍军人管理局的ALS注册表在2011年关闭,取而代之的下一个月-部分是在ALS协会的催促 -与其他国家登记册。
And that brings me to Mitt Romney's latest really bad idea, unveiled on Veterans Day: to partially privatize the Veterans Health Administration v.
Wanda and I had only a little money, although we had been able to make ends meet with the Social Security disability payments and Veterans Administration checks we had been receiving.
For instance, the veteran's Administration will make loans to war veterans at low interest rates.
So the Archipleys worked with the local Veterans Administration office. They wanted to help returning troops translate their leadership skills to private business.
So the Archipleys worked with the local Veterans Administration office. They wanted to help returning troops translate their leadership skills to private business.