People should have the freedom to decide with whom they will share their information, and to set privacy controls to protect those choices.
Retailers hope the case will allow them extensive freedom to sell top branded goods at bargain basement prices.
They believe their marriage will bring them happiness and the freedom to realise the plans “heaped up before them in the misty future”.
If the human striving for freedom is ever to be realized, a necessary first step will be promoting a sound ideology.
These private companies will be well-equipped to help manage the oil Wells as they make the difficult adjustment to producing oil in freedom.
Every time you do this you will build a bit more trust and the freedom to do more the next time.
If we put a dipole that has the freedom to move, we put that dipole in an electric field, it will align itself with the field lines.
They will no longer have the freedom to use GPLv3 software and restrict modification of the software installed on their hardware.
This will give FedEx the “freedom to expand he business as the market demands.”
We will now proceed to the objections that have been raised to the eighteenth century philosophy of freedom.
In this case, moral absolutism is a subjective decision (i.e., free will must, by definition, include the freedom to choose what is moral).
The programme will include an interview with an unnamed former serviceman who put the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts request to the ministry.
We will not tolerate such attacks, nor will we let them destroy our freedom to live peacefully and safely in the greatest city in the world.
And we'll tell Allen and Daniel that the work of freedom never ends, that it will one day be their turn to do their part.
Scholarship –and a commitment to the academic freedom that underlies it –will continue to drive the ideas and energy that will change our world for good.
It can be scary to venture into the world with nothing more than optimism and good-will, but personal freedom begins with a leap of faith.
It will eventually succumb to the forces of freedom and progress.
For that to happen, though, Egypt will have to take this freedom it just earned and run with it - to show that it really can improve the lives of an entire nation.
Yes, if this struggle succeeds, it will mean that we will have to pay a little more for some products, in exchange for the freedom and the lives of people like Yan li and Liu Pan.
Western consumers, facing higher taxes and lower benefits, will no longer have the freedom to spend; indeed, they will want to save more as they face long retirements.
Since most inmates will eventually return to society, prisons mimic the outside world as much as possible to prepare them for freedom.
Since most inmates will eventually return to society, prisons mimic the outside world as much as possible to prepare them for freedom.