Man will still say, this was their finest hour.
Churchill was right when he said in June 1940 that future generations would look back and say, "This was their finest hour. ""
Possibly their finest hour, it not only served as a tribute to Patterson, but also managed to perfect the debut's seething intensity into an even sharper focus.
这可能是他们的巅峰之作,不仅作为对Patterson 的纪念,同时也将他们首演就迸发的耀眼光芒推向了完美的顶峰。
Possibly their finest hour, it not only served as a tribute to Patterson, but also managed to perfect the debut's seething intensity into an even sharper focus.
这可能是他们的巅峰之作,不仅作为对Patterson 的纪念,同时也将他们首演就迸发的耀眼光芒推向了完美的顶峰。