In a sense, teachers teaching is right the implement of curriculum. And how to implement curriculum and how about the effectiveness that lies in teachers theory on curriculum theory mostly.
The educational activity curriculum includes such types as educational theory study, educational arts study, educational skills training, educational practice, educational hidden curriculum and so on.
On the other hand, both leadership and curriculum have been influenced by positivism, interpretivism and critical theory.
The theory of integrating information technology into curriculum has profound effect on the thought and notion of the international education technology society.
This curriculum advance class is the international trade theory and the practice, the commerce and the accounting principle and so on.
In order to meet the need of professionals on artistic works management, the paper probes into talents cultivation goal, orientation, means, curriculum and combination of theory with practice.
On the study of curriculum theory, the thesis put forward some views on connotation of chemistry instructional theory.
Sociologically Analyzing on science curriculum is a challengeable task in the research field of curriculum and teaching theory.
Through the related question literature review, combed the correlation theories of the local curriculum resources on the multicultural background under, has determined the research theory frame.
On the basis of this, the theory of multiple intelligences should be the base of building new curriculum teaching assessment system.
In the aspect of curriculum theory, this paper mainly discussed, on the background of the new curriculum criteria, how PE teaching materials should be compiled.
This thesis is mainly on the choice and construction of article knowledge content in Chinese curriculum from the perspective of courses theory.
The curriculum design based on the Multiple Intelligences theory is one of results which the theory applies into education.
Next carries on the limits from in the education theory macroscopic Angle to the curriculum resources concept, including introduction curriculum resources classification and characteristic.
This is the whole reason for our choice of "theory and practice" as the starting point for research on university curriculum management.
Based on the theory of comprehensive practice curriculum, the writer gives an analysis of these actions sand reveals the importance of commanding the theory.
This study combined engineering theory as a guide, focusing on secondary vocational schools, Tourism English curriculum development issues.
Based on curriculum theory, psychology and pedagogy, it aims to research the curriculum provisions of music education.
This article starts from pull theory and analyzes course content, thus constructs new curriculum system based on the working process.
Smith's "hermenutical pedagogy". This theory brings some inspiration to the New Curriculum of Elementary Education on the aspects of perspe…
Based on the theory of new curriculum, the article analyzes the necessity of exploiting school-based curriculum for the education of Psychological health in the rural schools.
This theory brings some inspiration to the New curriculum of Elementary Education on the aspects of perspectives on curriculum, te...
Because of the unity of curriculum setting, the arts specialties in regular colleges are divided into Musicology, Fine arts, Dancology and so on, lacking the specialty of art Theory.
Modern Chinese theory of curriculum and teaching was based on the introduction and absorption of western theory of curriculum and teaching.
E. curriculum theory. The questionnaire investigates the elements of the P. E. hiding curriculum and how it is carrying on currently, which includes the students from middle schools and colleges.
The emergence of the school of concept reconstruction and the postmodern curriculum paradigm was based on the criticism of modern curriculum theory.
The MusM curriculum focuses on music theory and musicology-and techniques for applying them in the classroom.
The MusM curriculum focuses on music theory and musicology-and techniques for applying them in the classroom.