This is for real, this time I mean it.
This time I mean it, " he claimed on The Today Show on Aug 15."
This didn't seem illegal at the time — I mean, those signals were streaming through my apartment — but it is an actual, bona fide crime.
This might mean wearing “work clothes” when you're working. Or it might mean putting shoes on when you're at your desk (this is one I do most of the time).
I don't expect it to be easy, but I do expect it to be rewarding and interesting because, this time, I'm going to let the money mean something.
Does it make sense to think we could do this in less than linear time? You know, it takes a little bit of thinking. What would it mean do I see a hand way at the back, yes please? Thank you.
This time, I'm really going to stick to it! I mean it, I'm totally, 100% committed!
If we can do it again this time, it will mean so much to me because then I will feel fully part of the team.
I really mean it this time. Trust me, will ya?
I put this time zone conversion chart together to show what time it will be in other parts of the world at exactly 11:11 Greenwich Mean time (GMT).
I put this time zone conversion chart together to show what time it will be in other parts of the world at exactly 11:11 Greenwich Mean time (GMT).