Developers have control over the time tracking automation and can adjust actuals to account for meetings and other time away from the computer.
This device can transmit signal and control through the medium of compressed gas, and can adjust testing pressure, flow rate and time according to the automatic controlling requirement.
Thus, it is possible to adjust the bus - voltage to the prescribed requirements and at the same time realize the comprehensive optimal control through optimized objective function.
The current impact in capacitor and the voltage impact on reactor in the control course can be restrained by selecting the right time to adjust IPC' s parameter.
Mosquito coil stand, reference for adjust and control the burning time, also keep the coil ash original Patten.
The micro-processor and VLSIC are core of the master clock, which consists of a control unit and can adjust all slave clocks (except standard time slave clock) clockwise and inversion quickly.
The tension control system using permanent-magnet DC torque motor as executive component is design. It can inspect and adjust tension at real-time during winding.
The internal model control(IMC)was improved by using fuzzy control to adjust filter time constant of IMC, and it was applied in boiler combustion system.
The system accomplished in control and mechanism two ways, the virtue is that it can adjust the adding quantity as a provided proportion following the main flux in real time.
With the function of auto-orientation, following track and control ware, the Robot can adjust its locus on time and can improve adaptive and cleverness in itself.
该系统具有对摄像机视场中特征点自动定位和跟踪功能。 结合工业机器人控制软件,该系统使工业机器人能实时地调整运动轨迹,提高其适应性和灵活性。
The results of simulation have verified that the real-time control overshoot is zero, adjust time short and precision high.
Apply fuzzy self-adaptive PID controller to control the DC timing system and design three self-adaptive PID controllers which adjust the PID parameters respectively in real-time way.
In addition, in order to delivery process smoothly, the maternal should adjust dietary structure, weight control growth speed during pregnancy, proper exercise, and on-time antenatal examination, etc.
Pointed out that the biggest problem affecting the quality control is the switching time and the adjust of the selection.
Trigger circuit was used to adjust C15 and control recording time.
The width of the bags could be adjusted by electrical motor, press the control-button could adjust the width of clips, easily operate, and save time.
This organism adopts the direct current motor, adjust and control operation, time setting and bell functions.
This paper describes the design of a variable impedance output buffer, and its adaptive control circuit. It can automatically adjust the impedance of output buffer in real-time.
The control system can adjust the welding time precisely, welding repeatability and welding consistency are both very good, also easy maintenance.
This help they save time with the money, lowering dangerous, adjust to control their plait distance technique, and provide the customer a contents for needing tangibly.
The performance of NCS using PID control decreases for PID controller doesn't have self-adaptive ability to adjust control parameters with variable time-delay and system parameters.
Double transducer control, flexible bag length cutting, operator needn't to adjust the unloading working, time and film savable.
Double transducer control, flexible bag length cutting, operator needn't to adjust the unloading working, time and film savable.