Though I love peocple and deeply appreciate my friends, I don't have a strong drive to regularly reach out to others.
Thank you for all of your fascinating comments and questions! I appreciate the opportunity to correspond with my friends on Weibo.
I open my vision, I appreciate the author's, he writes the good literature book. I'd like to introduce this book to more friends.
I really do appreciate hearing from all my friends but I get too many emails and letters every day to be able to answer them all personally.
My dear young friends, love the word of God and love the Church, and this will give you access to a treasure of very great value and will teach you how to appreciate its richness.
Since my grandparents, my parents and their friends just regarded them as decorations and even displays of wealth, I did not learn to appreciate them as art until I was fourteen.
As I have told my foreign friends: on the one hand, you are asking for the renminbi to appreciate; and on the other hand, you are taking all kinds of protectionist measures.
Many of my Chinese friends have yet to become as addicted to cheese as me, but, even for those who have begun to appreciate its delights, Stilton will be a new challenge.
Many of my Chinese friends have yet to become as addicted to cheese as me, but, even for those who have begun to appreciate its delights, Stilton will be a new challenge.