The jar may be empty or tenanted by spiders, full of honey or stinking slime—it makes no difference to its beauty or ugliness.
The jar may be empty or tenanted by spiders, full of honey or stinking slime—it makes no difference to its beauty or ugliness.
The empty shell of a snail or clam may be left behind, and if it is sufficiently durable and resistant to dissolution, it may remain basically unchanged for a long period of time.
When you’re just about to run on empty, pull over to the nearest gas station to load up. You’ll be amazed at how much money you’ll save at the end of the month or the year.
Their design tends to be clunky and they account for a massive chunk of city power bills, even though much of the time their light falls on empty streets.
Of the return load, 114 tons would be used to return the empty tanker to Uranus, while 500 tons would be used for starships and the terrestrial energy market.
Each listed feed contains an author element which appears to be empty regardless of declarations within the original feed.
The filling of the empty SOAP body with bogus content can now begin, as any of the operations denied by the attacker can be effectively executed due to the successful signature verification.
The movie doesn’t have to be great; it can be stupid and empty and you can still have the joy of a good performance, or the joy in just a good line.
In this common situation, an empty partition needs to be added to the table before the start of a month and data is added each day of the month.
This is because whatever occupies empty space would have to be somehow different from the tangible stuff the world is made of.
So, if you try to create a new list and set it to be the result of a call to one of these methods, you'll get an empty list.
That is, the token is to be replaced with a value associated with the name of the variable; or, if no value as been defined, with either the default value or an empty string.
For much of the 19th century the two countries had similar potential, not least in an abundance of empty, fertile land to be taken over by European immigrants.
Because it is made of a fibreglass composite, it weighs only three-quarters as much as a standard container but—more importantly— when it is empty, it can be folded down to a quarter of its size.
More advanced methods of pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) need to be practiced with an experienced practitioner. practicing on an empty stomach is preferred.
专业的调息的方法练习(交替鼻孔呼吸法)需要在有经验医师的指导下进行。 空腹练习为宜。
They could also exchange their empty bottles for presents such as lanyards, bags and ponchos, which proved to be very popular as it threatened to rain on the second day of the show.
参观者还可以用他们手中的空瓶兑换手带,环保袋和雨披等小礼品。 音乐节第二天在天空阴沉快下雨时,雨披一下变得非常畅销。
Talking to recruiters. But to fill what would otherwise be empty days, he's also doing a lot of volunteering.
Then would our lessons halt at every step; his eyes wander away into empty space; and his mind refuse to be dragged into the pages of the first Latin Grammar.
Also, the test in Line 13 will fail to detect an error because the result of the call will not be an empty string.
On Tuesday, Houston officials took control of supply distributions after they learned of people standing in line for hours only to be turned away empty handed.
His most ardent fans are invited to build homesteads in "Paulville", an empty patch of west Texas. Here, they will be free.
A generated model can be saved into a placeholder (an empty model), aligned with the master model, and then a compare session can be run to create a list of changes (see Figure 1).
Whitespace does not have to be white in color, instead, it is merely empty space that provides spacing and cushioning for the rest of the design elements.
According to Bowdoin College psychologist Barbara Held, PhD, for those with a glass-half-empty view of the world, all this happy talk can be downright depressing.
Earlier in the day, Tripoli was reported to be tense, with almost-empty streets enlivened only by lines of people queuing for bread and petrol.
Fans of non-stop drinking may soon be able to cut down on time wasted ordering refills, thanks to a beer mat that can tell when a glass is empty.
The house would be full of beds. The blaze in the oven died down while Wang Lung thought of all the beds there would be in the half empty house, and the water began to chill in the cauldron.
Two of the elements are empty containers to be used as loading points for the returned XML from the search engines.
其中两个元素是空容器,用作搜索引擎返回的XML 的加载点。
Two of the elements are empty containers to be used as loading points for the returned XML from the search engines.
其中两个元素是空容器,用作搜索引擎返回的XML 的加载点。