Some people, however, seem to be opposed to death penalty, apparently out of human love.
Unfortunately, the outcome from the Copenhagen conference seems to be opposed to this motto.
Dr. Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to stamp it out.
There appear to be many unexplored matters about the motivation to reflect—for example, the value of externally motivated reflection as opposed to that of teachers who might reflect by habit.
However, such issues would be better addressed by changing school and state policies with regard to the scheduling of sporting events as opposed to outright elimination.
I felt too constrained working with the past, like what I wrote needed to be fact as opposed to fiction, but writing about the future gave me more freedom to imagine, to invent.
"Market orders", which ask for a stock to be sold at the best available price without specifying a minimum-as opposed to "limit orders", which set a floor-are also coming under fire.
Glass is sometimes said to be a super-cooled fluid as opposed to a solid.
Ideally you can avoid boring topics, but if you can't think of anything else to say, then go with them as opposed to be quiet.
When I talk to people about this aspect of myself, they always want to know what it means to be an "Aspie," as opposed to a "Neurotypical" (nt).
When I talk to people about this aspect of myself, they always want to know what it means to be an "Aspie, " as opposed to a "Neurotypical" (NT).
On the contrary, an enterprise architect must be involved in helping customers understand their real needs (as opposed to wants) and to work with them throughout the implementation of a solution.
Senator Henry Clay's compromise seemed to be a way to settle the dispute. But extremists on both sides opposed it.
And other doctors, though not necessarily opposed to moving the line, agree the matter needs to be cleared up.
Most people who subscribe to lean ideas prefer pull systems as opposed to traditional push systems as they are deemed to be superior for performance and productivity.
My father taught us to adapt to any environment — be involved with things because you want to and be good at it, as opposed to being an outsider.
Both the Banks and Republicans are opposed to the bill's requirement that most derivatives trading be moved from dealer markets to regulated exchanges.
Always Do Your best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick.
But his father said Tuesday that in light of the response of Western governments to the uprising, only Germany - which steadfastly opposed a no-fly zone - would be allowed to do business in Libya.
One of the things on your list might be your work — or the work you want to do (as opposed to the work you’re doing right now).
Russia said that without new forestry accounting methods it would only be able to cut overall emissions by 15%, as opposed to the 30% conditional pledge it made at Copenhagen.
A: it's a great example of how this technology can be used to save lives, relieve pain and suffering and improve the human condition. How can anyone be opposed to that?
When home prices stop going down, newly created households will be more willing to take a chance on ownership as opposed to renting.
The researchers used a radioactive tracer to be sure that the slugs are actually producing the chlorophyll themselves, as opposed to just stealing the ready-made pigment from algae.
A researcher is much more likely to be a savvy user who will understand a complex display of search results, as opposed to an encyclopedia user, who may be a young child.
He said that incentives should be considered as a motivator for the beneficiaries to follow the giver's wishes, "as opposed to treating family assets as an entitlement".
There may be some truth to this; design (as opposed to coding or debugging) is certainly my strongest skill.
There may be some truth to this; design (as opposed to coding or debugging) is certainly my strongest skill.