So some sort of shift seems to be under way.
The dollar's decline seems finally to be under way.
Yet now a smooth transfer of power appears to be under way.
The border was then closed. Talks to resolve the situation are said to be under way.
In 2007 the IEA called for 20 plants to be under way by 2010—a goal that seems certain to be missed.
It MAY be fragile, but recovery seems at last to be under way in Europe, five years after the onset of its worst-ever post-war recession.
A similar pattern appears to be under way in Cuba as raul Castro gradually relaxes some of his ailing, comandante brother's harshest policies.
If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it finds a way to get where it needs to be.
And there is a third way, namely for specialist sites to be offered under a bigger brand's umbrella.
The metre was to be defined as a fraction of the Paris meridian whose precise measurement (in toises) was under way.
To this end, you store with each pattern the assumptions under which the pattern can be instantiated in a consistency-preserving way.
One, whom he took to be their captain, came under the tree in which Ali Baba was concealed; and making his way through some shrubs, pronounced these words: "Open, Sesame!"
Even if a sustained recovery does get under way, it will be tempered for several years by fiscal retrenchment and the reversion to more normal monetary Settings.
Research on assessing the impact of climate change on vector- and water-borne diseases is under way in India and Nepal and will be expanded to other countries in the region.
Meanwhile, the clamour that global warming is already under way, and that more needs to be done to adapt to it, as well as forestall it, will grow even louder.
Are there lessons to be learned from the smallpox eradication campaign that can be applied to efforts under way to fight the influenza a (H1N1) pandemic?
A parallel effort is under way to create desktop applications that can be fed by real-time data from the Internet.
"Yes, as you see, neighbor Caderousse; and ready to be agreeable to you in any and every way," replied dantes, but ill-concealing his coldness under this cloak of civility.
Japanese nuclear safety regulator said on Wednesday that plans were under way to fix a piece of equipment that would allow freshwater instead of seawater to be pumped in.
And what appears to be the first scientific study on the subject will soon get under way.
A Japanese nuclear safety regulator said on Wednesday that plans were under way to fix a piece of equipment that would allow freshwater instead of seawater to be pumped in.
Certainly there are many new schemes under way, although most seem to be of a scale and location that will not destroy the island's natural integrity.
As the 12-day general-election campaign got under way (the first to be held in August in 107 years), there was something quaintly old-fashioned in the absence of television hoopla.
But short of going back intime and re-releasing the same books under the same circumstances without thefree ebook program, there’s no way to be sure.
如果没有电子书项目,在其他条件都相同的情况下再把这些书发行一次,结果就一目了然了。 可惜时光无法倒回,也就没有可以完全证实的办法了。
Under a mammoth carbon-emissions bill now working its way through Congress, 85% of valuable permits to emit carbon dioxide (which might all have been auctioned) will be given away free.
This will be distributed through a community-empowerment programme, under which each village will be given up to $110, 000 more than this year to create jobs in the way it deems best.
It was time for me to start living with discomfort and be under pressure (by the way there is a difference between GOOD pressure and the pressure from useless stress).
The broad consultative process on these papers is now under way, with the proposed revisions expected to be submitted to the WHO Executive Board in May 2011 for approval.
The broad consultative process on these papers is now under way, with the proposed revisions expected to be submitted to the WHO Executive Board in May 2011 for approval.