Would businesses be more inclined to centre around other European tech hubs such as Munich or Paris post Brexit?
If your conversations tend to centre around the nine-to-five, perhaps it's time you restored some work-life balance.
While the moons' rapid rotation would be enough to squash them into a smooth oval, it can't explain the rim around the centre of the saucer shape.
Schools were closed and the number of cars permitted to move around the city cut by half, while crop sprayers soared over the city centre in an effort to thin the aerial mush.
But not everyone's. Looking around for something to photograph, I walked to a large church in what passes for the town's centre.
A customer sent me some cookies to say thank you for showing them around our Network Operations Centre.
While the moons' rapid rotation would be enough to squash them into a smooth oval it can't explain the rim around the centre of the saucer shape.
Supported by advanced communications technology, the Centre operates around the clock, seven days a week with a staff of up to 15 specialists and veterinarians.
I looked around the Wellness Centre at the patients, scoffing chocolate bars with their parents who, in contrast to their children, had made a great effort to dress well.
Microsoft opened a software development centre in Canada in part because Canada's more liberal laws make it easier to recruit qualified people from around the world.
When you look around, Paul Scholes used to be a centre midfielder and score goals regularly, bombing in, late runs, headers, great finishing. Look at him in the last two years of his career.
When you look around, Paul Scholes used to be a centre midfielder and score goals regularly, bombing in, late runs, headers, great finishing.
According to the Belfer Centre at Harvard University, there is around 1.6m kg of highly-enriched uranium and 0.5m kg of weapons-grade plutonium in the world.
Flight Centre plans to aggressively expand the Gapyear business around the world, establishing dedicated sites for travellers in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the us.
At around the centre of the core, a passage to connect the atelier and the residence was provided.
Blocks dedicated to these different activities are arranged around a large courtyard in the centre, which is used for sun-drying grain.
Part 2 is based on luck, the only thing I can say is to try moving the aim around in the centre of the magnet and use minimum power when you shoot, so good luck!
The centre also boasts a 75-tonne mobile boat travel-lift capable of handling vessels up to around 85 feet and 21 feet in beam.
We had to detour around the town centre so it took us a little longer to get here.
There are opportunities to work around the Centre according to operational needs.
Since then he has devoted his career to good causes, mainly through the Carter Centre, which helps to monitor elections and resolve conflicts around the world.
The impulse to acquire knowledge and the activities which centre around it constitute what I mean by the life of the mind.
Your child is likely going to come home with activities which centre around comprehension and which lead to greater comprehension.
I think a 3 star hotel will be fine, as long as it's in the centre of town. It's difficult to get around Paris.
According to the plan, UPM will establish a service centre with around 80 positions in Tampere.
The new conference centre is a multi functional space. It accommodates up to 200 people in a variety of spaces set on an open spiral ramp and clustered around a central main auditorium.
The main entrance to the building is through a gardened atrium that groups around it the way of access, the administrative area and the dining room of the centre.
The main entrance to the building is through a gardened atrium that groups around it the way of access, the administrative area and the dining room of the centre.