There's a new frontier in 3D printing that's beginning to come into focus: food.
The planet was only just beginning to come into focus, in the metaphorical sense: The Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens had just recently revealed Saturn's rings and its first known moon, Titan.
That which is irreducible to the self begins to come into focus e-e-e-e and a way of expressing this is to say e-e-e-e which is perhaps in some way or another a mask or a simulacrum of he-he-he-he.
When we hold grudges, when we focus on our hurts and the people who have hurt us, we come into bondage to those things.
To define the roles, you need to know the roles that are needed on a team, when different roles come into play, and the focus of each team member.
And the next you're sucked into a vivid, intense world, where time seems to move slower, colors are brighter, sounds more perceptible, as though the whole universe has suddenly come into focus.
If you come across an obstacle or an impasse, pay mind to it but don't focus on it for too long, or your feet may sink into the quick sand that surrounds it.
But maybe because Feng is too busy dealing with his ambition, the film never allows any of its four principal characters to really come into focus.
Then, by referring to the concretely felt referent, it will unfold; the sense of its meaning, and then the words, will come into focus.
But the ever-increasing supply of debt headed to market will come back into focus down the road.
It has come into our focus to use renewable energy for energy - efficient in the architectural design.
As this is done over multiple iterations, whatever the leader is attempting to communicate will come into sharper focus for everyone involved.
A group of golden light come into my eyes, the color is so warm and magic that I focus my camera on the spot, and adjusted camera lens to be able to see it clearly.
A group of golden light come into my eyes, the color is so warm and magic that I focus my camera on the spot, and adjusted camera lens to be able to see it clearly.