Export growth has started to flatten out.
Gold prices on the London market are expected to flatten out after a period of fluctuation.
If you go to the other extreme, of very high temperature, then this will tend to flatten out.
The zebra pattern is fairly distinct and the yolk sac begins to flatten out as it is absorbed.
The zebra pattern is fairly distinct, and the yolk sac begins to flatten out as it is absorbed.
Air drying causes cells to flatten out on the slide instead of being fixed in a more round or 3-dimensional configuration.
The forms completely distort your perspective of the building; it seems to flatten out from some vantage points and bear down on you from others.
Aggressive day traders can take short sale profits while price lifts above the 5-bar SMA or wait for moving averages to flatten out and turn higher (e), which they did in the mid-afternoon.
Look for a break point in the cumulative percentage line. This point occurs where the slope of the line begins to flatten out. The factors under the steepest part of the curve are the most important.
If the squares are curling in on themselves, lay them under some heavy books for a few hours to flatten them out.
If it's a squeeze to slip the cardboard inside, fold it a bit. Don't worry, it will flatten out and will still be supportive.
I have to wash out and flatten my soup cans. And account for every drop of used motor oil.
Press them between two heavy books to flatten them out for two days.
"If they keep on lagging behind then the internet will not be able to grow in the way it has been; the curve will flatten out," said Karrenberg.
The Geronimo developers will be pleased to see no signs of a memory leak though, as the old generation and permanent generation allocations flatten out.
The global total will continue to rise slowly until 2100, when it will flatten out at 10.1 billion.
Once the knowledge - and business-value curves flatten out, the sponsor is in a position to deliver on-time or early!
This caused the yield curve to flatten, because the bulk of the safety play began coming out of the shorter maturities.
Scrape the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and press it down to flatten.
Well... the goal isn't to flatten you out, but rather to help you determine how much you use your hands to stabilize or direct your body.
"In culture, you can actually see that when genistein is introduced, cells flatten themselves in order to spread out and stick strongly to nearby cells, " he said.
Orbital velocities in spiral galaxies, instead of declining with increasing distance from the galactic center, flatten out to a constant value, as predicted by MOND.
Orbital velocities in spiral galaxies, instead of declining with increasing distance from the galactic center, flatten out to a constant value, as predicted by MOND.