It isn't unusual to happen upon a traffic accident involving serious injury or fatality along the highways in Vietnam.
Preliminary Injunction means the court forces the infringers to stop ongoing infringement or events that are about to happen upon obligee's request before or during infringement litigation.
Instead, he was dependent upon my wife or me to tell him when it would happen.
If you happen to stumble upon one, feel free to contact me or leave a note on the comments section.
Our perceptions about warming and cooling trends tend to depend upon where we happen to reside and the time frame we experience for reference.
Meanwhile, the Reserve bank of India, the central bank, frowns upon using bank loans to fund takeovers, so they rarely happen.
You can think of a long-running process as a workflow process; it may wait for an external event to happen, or call upon one or more people to perform a task.
My purpose today is not to render judgment upon such views, however deeply misguided I happen to consider them, and however inaccurate their implicit view of nineteenth-century financial panics.
I just happen to stumble upon a page from a guy that had the exact same laptop and exact same floopy whoopy loose hinge problem.
这时,我偶然看到一个人的网页。 他的笔记本和我的一样,同样的绞丝松动问题。
Behind all events that happen upon Earth, there are higher Beings standing by to ensure that they do not get out of hand.
Luck doesn't just happen upon us-it comes to us when we're open.
Once we can speak directly with you as the Human Race, there will be naturally an emphasis upon the end times and what is about to happen.
I happen to know these details because last week I stumbled upon exec Tweets, a collection of about 100 executives who like to express themselves in chunks of up to 140 characters on Twitter.
The same looks set to happen again, as a herd of giant, clumsily named corporate mammoths is unleashed upon the world.
We are continually acting upon some assumed ideas as to events yet to happen.
The result will depend upon how a company pays attention to things that happen around them.
We do not wish these collapses upon you, but until they happen the way will not be clear enough to introduce the acceptable alternatives.
As I ran away, I started to think of how suddenly the need to make a choice had come upon me, and how often such things happen.
We have talked of this often and yet … it seems there is a need within many to seek out the worst that could happen and thrive upon its negativity.
We have talked of this often and yet … it seems there is a need within many to seek out the worst that could happen and thrive upon its negativity.