This video was shot by storm chases, people who put their lives at risk to help gather information and warn the public about tornadoes.
With his own interests at heart, your correspondent has been keen to help researchers gather information about such possible earthquakes.
He is to spy and gather information that will help the Sky People conquer the land.
The main difference is in the type of information that is required to help gather new insight.
Search engines gather a lot of information from other sites (such as who links to you, or what words they use to describe your site) and use this to help understand your site.
Just put yourself in the users' position and try to create a set of screens that will help them gather information and make decisions as fast as possible.
ESA enables you to quickly gather information about software installed on your system to help with faster support.
Similarly, the software that aid agencies use to track emergency medical supplies can help public-health officials gather routine information.
Mobile phones can be used to gather health information in the field faster and more accurately than paper records and help with the management of drug stocks.
He doesn't ask any questions (or he asks way too many). An adviser who doesn't ask questions can't possibly gather the amount of information required to to help you out.
It is helpful to give some thought in the planning phase to how you want to harvest - what kind of records, templates etc. will help you gather the relevant information or knowledge.
The MIDlet also includes calls to various methods within the HttpConnection class, which help us to gather information about the host server, the port, and the content type returned.
这个 MIDlet还包含对在 HttpConnection类中不同方法的调用,这可帮助我们收集有关服务器主机、端口和返回的类型的信息。
Your IP address is also used to help identify you and your time spent at our sites, and to gather broad demographic information.
Help him gather the information he needs to complete his report and avoid coworkers who want to make unauthorized changes.
Scientists are attempting to understand how Mars has changed over long periods of time. The information they gather will help scientists look for evidence of life beyond Earth.
This will help us to disseminate information and to gather conclusions on all your activities, so as to be able to testify of the vitality of ICOMOS 'network.
In the future, we hope to develop more advanced honeypots that help us to gather information about threats such as botnets.
This will allow us to gather information over the coming weeks which may potentially help us improve the algorithms used to manage battery performance and shutdown.
This will allow us to gather information over the coming weeks which may potentially help us improve the algorithms used to manage battery performance and shutdown.