Use your mouse to hover over the edge of the ProcessOrder component.
A dog with brown and white splotches seemed to hover over one with gray, black and white splotches.
The branches spread out into the sky and from below appear to hover over the landscape like so many flying saucers...
The eclipsed sun seems to hover over the horizon on Sunday, barely lighting the high, snowy plains of Patagonia in southern Argentina.
The center also said high temperatures would continue to hover over North China and Helongjiang Sunday, with the warmest temperature expected to reach 38C in northeastern Inner Mongolia.
The Translator widget allows you to hover over the translated content and see the original English sentence in context as well as suggest a new translation or pick from any of the suggested ones.
If you hover over the icon or space to the right of the label, you will not see the disabled cursor style.
The information is presented in a very user-friendly way; all you have to do is hover over the button.
In your gallery, you see an image on the left, click or hover over it, and then move your eyes to the right to read about that image.
So if you hover over the icon or the space to the right of the label, you will not see the disabled cursor style.
Specify the attributes for the classes: Hover the mouse over a class to open up another palette.
You can create a new file, open documents, hover your mouse over document icons on taskbar to preview thumbnail, search for any files etc.
To determine which icon to select, hover over the icon and the name will display.
If this happens, hover the mouse pointer over the red circle to display the error message, make the needed correction, and save the file again.
But while 'my mothering instinct was to go over there and hover, ' she says, she restrained herself while Ella cried for a few moments, then joined her husband to pat Ella's back and soothe her.
Hover the mouse over any individual video to see an instant thumbnail preview.
You can hover over vertical arrows to get details on the locks being held.
Just move your cursor to the right of a search result and hover over the orange bullet.
If you find an image you like, but it's not quite what you are looking for, hover over the image and select Show similar images to refine your search to images that share a similar characteristic.
If you get error messages the first time that you save (as I did), hover your cursor over the error message to get more details about the problem.
Drag-and-drop is supported across multiple pages; that is, if you drag one page and hover over another page in the navigator, you can drop on to that page.
The director of photography, Robert Richardson, has an extraordinary knack of allowing physical structures to brood over us, in their solid mass, and yet to hover as ungraspably as a dream.
The IMF, which snapped up over 40 new PhDs last year, is likely to hover up far fewer this year.
Hover over the web app icon to access further options, including the option to install a web app shortcut to your desktop or menu.
If users want to know more about something, they can simply hover their mouse over it and get details.
Hover over a counter with your mouse to see details about what that counter measures.
Video wall for browsing videos. Hover the mouse over any individual video to see an instant thumbnail preview.
Once you pour the hot water into the cup, you must patiently hover over it, waiting for the tea to steep.
Once you pour the hot water into the cup, you must patiently hover over it, waiting for the tea to steep.