The query results in Figures 3 and 4 clearly indicate that YQL's greatest benefit lies in presenting a unified interface to third-party web services.
The model should indicate clearly that certain skills, abilities, and capabilities must be acquired and mastered prior to the mastery of others.
These examples clearly indicate that an identity access fabric linking enter-prises to the cloud is not only relevant but also necessary.
We decide to represent each of these departments as a Lane in our process in order to clearly indicate who does what.
Business Modeler USES a fork to clearly indicate that the two steps are performed in parallel.
Business Modeler使用分叉来清楚地指示两个步骤同时执行。
Indicate clearly that they can choose to participate or not.
Organisation: there should be a clear organisation chart and all staff should have up to date job descriptions that clearly indicate their responsibilities.
Design a systematic second-floor pedestrian system, the connection of the solid space should be stated clearly to indicate construction details for lower level.
It should be easy to understand and clearly indicate the position of pockets, darts, type of collar, width of sleeve, etc.
A sketch must be easy to understand, and clearly indicate the position of seams. pockets. darts. type of colllar. width of sleeve, etc.
图纸必需容易明白,要清楚地标注出拼接和缝和位置, 以及袋位,领型袖宽等等参数。
Unify and train the employees and explain, indicate, confirm clearly the operation flow to make sure the quality of the meal.
Their direct role is to follow seniority order in the relatives of the same generation, or to clearly indicate the relationships between the persons of different generations.
Feel free to quote from them, but indicate clearly when you are quoting.
Article 2 Tendering documents shall clearly stipulate the currencies and quotation methods as allowed for bidding, and indicate whether such contents belong to important commercial clauses or not.
Perspective students can apply for the JDY students Apartments on the Application Form for Foreigners to Study at DHU and indicate the Expected Move-in Time clearly.
Article 5 Parties to a negotiable instrument may entrust their agents to put their signatures or seals to the instruments and clearly indicate their agency relationship.
The magazine will spare no effort to defend academic dignity and fight against plagiarism. Your contribution shall clearly indicate sources of quotations and the references.
The experimental results clearly indicate that this scheme is superior to most of the existing reversible watermarking algorithms and can embed large data with low distortion.
The experimental results clearly indicate that this scheme is superior to most of the existing reversible watermarking algorithms and can embed large data with low distortion.