Keep in mind that the law only requires your company to allow you to return to the same or a similar position. It does not require them to pay you during your leave.
When you get to the point where you are so unhappy in your current position that you want to leave and work elsewhere there is a problem if you aren't able to command the same salary.
If you're unwilling to completely leave the field of it, you could step down from that fortune 500 position and join a much smaller company.
The report says that some aid donors take a variant of the "leave-everything-to-the-private sector" position.
You can give him the choice of reporting the affair to the administration, taking a leave of absence or finding another position.
By the time you leave my trading room, you'll be in a position to take your trading to a higher, more intelligent, and successful level.
Leave a place to me, can let me unbridled smile of position, can cry aloud the position.
Hegde has made a fortune and been given a senior position within the organisation, so why has he chosen to leave is the question we most want answered.
Since you are not in a position to leave, you and your husband need to sit down with Mom and set some boundaries.
Your husband made the decision to cheat and acted on it. You can give him the choice of reporting the affair to the administration, taking a leave of absence or finding another position.
Liu Chenweng gets to leave with the position that runs with Xin Qiji neck to neck with a Xuxi phrase.
After I left there, I found a job in a larger company where I hoped to broaden my horizon, but unfortunately the economic crisis compelled my boss to close his business, so I had to leave my position.
Israeli soldiers posted at a military position some 80 meters away from this house ordered the rescue team to leave the area which they refused to do.
Some traders will scale out most of their position for a scalp but leave some on in order to capitalise on further price movement should it a ear.
That gives me a sense not leave too high over water I follow, but let my kick to push me overtop that ankle position and return that long line position self.
A high-flying US lawyer, this month she deviated from the traditional legal career path to leave Rio Tinto and take up a position as director of strategy at CPA Global.
这位成功且胸怀大志的美国律师上月脱离了传统的法律职业道路,离开力拓并出任CPA Global战略总监一职。
I'll leave it to you, because I'm not in the position to ask for a certain salary at present.
An aching back: back pain can disrupt sleep and leave you struggling to find a comfortable position.
The blood Nu puts right hand in the left atrium position, the waist is curved to convert to welcome 90 periods, then takes a few Nu persons to pedal to leave.
I'll leave it to you, for I'm not in the position to ask for a certain salary.
However, the sale of Adebayor will leave a massive void up front, a position Wenger will have to fill immediately as the players return for pre-season training.
United can now approach their first top-flight visit to Blackpool in 40 years with an air of confidence, knowing a win will leave them in pole position and with a five-point lead.
United can now approach their first top-flight visit to Blackpool in 40 years with an air of confidence, knowing a win will leave them in pole position and with a five-point lead.