The alternative is to set a goal for experiential reasons.
Simple is to set a goal and managed to complete the target.
In fact I don't claim to have to to set a goal, to achieve, to pursue.
The best way to develop courage is to set a goal and achieve it.
You can and will inspire them to set a goal and be accountable for it.
There are really only two reasons to set a goal: instrumental reasons and experiential reasons.
If you want to succeed in life, I think to set a goal for yourself is of great importance.
The best way to develop courage is to set a goal and achieve it, make a promise and keep it.
However, before this term, my father told me to set a goal for my study that I must reach it.
In this phase, you also learn how to set a goal weight and how to develop long-term healthy-eating patterns.
You want to set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieving it you become worth becoming.
It is not a difficult thing for anyone to set a goal. The tough part is to know how to pursue and reach it.
Whether you try to get a promotion at work or you want to lose a few pounds, the first thing you should do is to set a goal.
A better approach would be to set a goal of writing a specific number or words each day, or spend a certain amount of time researching.
As logical thinkers and problem solvers, we've been taught that the best way to achieve our desires is to set a goal, create a plan and take massive action.
The first requirement for flow is to set a goal that's challenging but not unattainable-something you have to marshal your resources and stretch yourself to achieve.
And I am here to set a goal for a generation that is free of AIDS. (Applause. ) But first, let me say five words we have not been able to say for too long: "Welcome to the United States."
我今天将在这里宣布一项目标,要让下一代人免受艾滋病的侵害。 (掌声)但是,有一句话我们很久没有说了,所以我要先说一下:“欢迎来到美国。”
Aamir Khan set a goal to himself day by day and the minute he made it, he fell down on the ground and could hardly stand up.
The United Nations set up the International Day of Happiness in 2012 to remind us that happiness is a basic human goal and right.
Be aware of your dissatisfaction in your life and set a goal to turn it around.
The most important thing is to set a reachable goal/schedule so you can actually get the thing written.
For instance, if you are a musician you could set a goal to bring pleasure to a lot of people through your creativity.
Set a date to use as a schedule goal but not as an ultimate deadline.
When you set yourself a goal, try to be as specific as possible.
I would never recommend to a team to set the unrealistic goal of having no duplication whatsoever.
Set a goal to make a new contact every week.
It may be better to set a short term goal to kick-start your studies, to "get your feet wet" and overcome this inertia.
We simply need to strive to define meaning and useful purpose when adding a new concept or goal set to our vocabulary.
We simply need to strive to define meaning and useful purpose when adding a new concept or goal set to our vocabulary.