A person appointed by a court administrator to take into custody the property or funds of others, pending litigation.
Detain, take him into custody illegally for asking for debts, the crime determines a crime to punish in order to take into custody illegally.
Many have come forward offering to take the iPhone into their custody, and still more have donated free downloads, ringtones, and MP3s to the victimized object.
Police received two 911 calls shortly after 7 p.m. Wednesday, and were on the scene in a little more than a minute to take Zhu into custody, Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said.
I have to take myself into my own custody, if I don't wanna get distract.
Prolonged detention is that the conducting bodies continue to take the suspect or the crime into custody after the legal deadline.
Prolonged detention is that the conducting bodies continue to take the suspect or the crime into custody after the legal deadline.