Although TFS 'source control is not as advanced as Git, you may want to take the chance of implementing TFS to adapt application lifecycle management.
Sir Alex is keenly aware of this and I just wonder which, if any, of the players he will decide to take the chance of sacrificing by resting over the next month.
For some patients, say a businessperson who is traveling a lot, they don't want to take the chance of having something happen while they are in some other country and not know what to do.
Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus. The time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation, and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.
Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.
As the end of school approaches, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list.
The Parisian Cafe offers a great experience for children, a chance for them to learn about rabbits and how to take care of them.
The Parisian Café offers a great experience for children, a chance for them to learn about rabbits and how to take care of them.
The relatively low adoption rate of robots in the U.S. is a hopeful sign, since we still have a chance to take advantage of robotics on a broader scale.
The relatively low adoption rate of robots in the U. S. is a hopeful sign, since we still have a chance to take advantage of robotics on a broader scale.
When this happens you lose sight of your passion because you tell yourself, "Hey I have a chance to make quick money why not take the opportunity with something I have no idea about".
This idea for it actually came to me after I had completed a particularly large project and had a chance to sit back and take stock of the final product.
If you are in the fortunate position of helping out with the structure of a new website, take the chance to make sure you avoid situations where you could get duplicate content.
After all, society is simply composed of various types of people doing different types of jobs. Why not take the chance to experience a different aspect of society life?
The loss of so many species at the end of the Permian gave new creatures the chance to take their place.
But the academic researcher, who leaves Britain this weekend, has a mission: to take the last chance to document the language and traditions of an entire culture.
Of course this third reason is why people are so reluctant to consider the other side - we don't want to take the chance that we'll have our minds changed.
I think that's a difficult proposition for most people, but in truth it's possible to give criticism with kindness and have a decent chance of having the person take it constructively.
You may only get one chance to serve that person, so take advantage of the moment.
Assuming the program could guess a different random sequence at the rate of 100 per second, it would take an average of 12 years to chance upon your chosen password.
One of the first steps you should take when hardening a machine is to reduce its attack surface. The more code that's running on a machine, the greater the chance that the code will be exploitable.
Hold Hands: hand holding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with one another. Take any chance you have to hold his or her hand!
I never got a chance to say goodbye to the good boy, but I take solace knowing he was with my mother, who doted on him like a son once I was out of the house.
Until quite recently, the chance to acquire BMI’s 11% share of take-off and landing slots at Heathrow would have been enviable.
BMI 公司曾经拥有的起降权占希思罗机场起降权总额的11%,居第二位,直到最近这都是一笔令人羡慕不已的巨大资本。
Having been around the top level of the game for so long, Faye knows full well that if you stop the other team from scoring then you have every chance to go on and take the points.
You'll have a chance to try out the main index page, and then take a peek under the hood to see how some of the components work.
Twice this year, I've had a chance to review the Phone of the Month, then failed to take advantage of the opportunity.
Twice this year, I've had a chance to review the Phone of the Month, then failed to take advantage of the opportunity.