Now he wants to use these boxes to take the place of the dead trees.
"But the aim is to support human care, not to take the place of it." says Brian Scassellati.
The UK scientists are trying to use algae to take the place of salt.
The couple have opened a small shop in Beijing, where they use wood products to take the place of plastic ones and cloth bags printed with environmentally friendly logos.
We had no one to take the place of John.
Are you ready to take the place of CIA agents in secret operations?
Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else.
It is difficult for us to find a man to take the place of the present manager.
Sculptural elements were introduced to take the place of innumerable gravestones.
Books and recordings, they assumed, were destined to take the place of storytellers.
So locally fine point is a significant concept to take the place of regular points.
She says she doesn't want to take the place of Eunhye and pretends to ingnore his feelings.
Intelligent % machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings.
Can a program automatically fill in the proper background to take the place of the ex-spouse?
This speech was to take the place of a written final exam and was to count for fifty per cent of our grade.
Therefore, people hope to consistently develop artificial ligaments to take the place of auto - and allografts.
It is information provided for your knowledge and not to take the place of going to the doctor for medical treatment and advice.
It is strange enough that most strict diets recommend artificial sweeteners to take the place of sugar and other natural sweeteners.
Early in the development of the 2.6 Linux kernel, a new scheduler was introduced to take the place of the existing (and complex) scheduler.
Lime-fly ash loess, composed of fly ash, lime and loess, is a new material in subgrade backfill to take the place of the (traditional) lime soil.
A series of assembly jigs were designed to take the place of spiral bevel gears and some parts, whereby the thickness of spacers was measured and calculated.
The user can bind these signals to any keystroke using the driver and configuration software. This allows the NIA to take the place of any keyboard command in any game.
Lastly, using the compactly supported radial functional to take the place of the polynomial function, local radial point interpolation method, is presented in this paper.
The polarised photons were able to take the place of the particle and the antiparticle in Dr Hardy’s thought experiment because they obey the same quantum-mechanical rules.
The polarised photons were able to take the place of the particle and the antiparticle in Dr Hardy’s thought experiment because they obey the same quantum-mechanical rules.