Dickens felt compelled to return to the stage for a final goodbye.
The third and final stage was to lift the entire structure into the air, by which time the hull was also supported from below.
Float glass is sold by the square metre, and at the final stage computers translate customer requirements into patterns of cuts designed to minimise waste.
I was pushing really hard to keep fourth place and if you look at the lap times I was actually faster than Jarno on the final lap and he was the only other car on dry tyres at that stage.
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the final and most serious stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system.
With the application running "right," the final stage in code migration is to optimize the code as required.
But leaving it until the last minute would be analogous to building up an enormous inventory and then attempting to burn the midnight oil to get it through the final stage.
The final step would be for him to stage some kind of televised performance — ideally in the context of a high-profile charity concert — to prove to the world that he can still sing and dance.
Ding has yet to pass the final stage and hopes to begin regular classes in the spring.
As the game entered its final stage Uruguay seemed content to hold onto their slender advantage, and Mexico couldn't find the cutting edge to break them down.
Mr. Ding has yet to pass the final stage and hopes to begin regular classes in the spring.
Khatanga - Norilsk, the final stage. 800 km to go.
Gerrard has figured in four international competitions for his country, but has never gone further than the quarter-final stage. It's a statistic he's eager to change next year.
This is the final stage where one would feel the ultimate life satisfaction and will be able to realize one's potential at work.
Thus a given number of finished products is exploded to see how many items are required at the final assembly stage.
In this case the fatty acids would have 18-30 carbon atoms, and the final stage of the synthetic pathway would clip off the oxygen atoms to create pure hydrocarbons.
但是LS9公司也计划制造一种被称作“生物原油”的东西,其中的脂肪酸将含有18 - 30个碳原子,而在合成过程的最好阶段将剔除氧原子,从而得到纯碳氢化合物。
He also said he was in the "final stage" of discussions to expand the programme to other "top universities."
Up to six projects to establish in-country manufacturing capacity of influenza vaccine are in the final stage of approval following an application process which began in November.
Currently in an alpha stage, PHP 3.0 goes to beta during the timeframe of the PyCon conference for Python developers in March with the final release set for next August.
Military aviation experts said the fighter? Known as the J-20? Appeared to be conducting high-speed taxi tests, which are usually the final stage before a test flight.
This' final expanded stage 'envisioned by Eastlund, which will provide maximum capability to manipulate the World's weather patterns, has now been reached.
Now came the final stage, where once again I applied a series of filters intending to soften the edges of the image but also maintaining the sharpness and the correct level of grain.
Before rebuilding the application for the final time, there is another change needed to make the Blueprint API available at compilation stage. To do that, add a dependency declaration.
The final stage of the audit process is the audit report - the communication of findings to the users.
审计过程的最后阶段是交付审计报告- - -即把发现的信息反馈给用户。
Chelsea were knocked out of the Champions League at the quarter-final stage following a 2-1 defeat by Manchester United on Tuesday as they went out 3-1 on aggregate to their top-flight rivals.
切尔西在欧冠四分之一决赛就出局了。他们星期二被曼联2 - 1击败,总比分1 - 3输给了死敌。
From here the final draft text will move to committee stage for approval before being presented to both houses for a last and final vote.
From here the final draft text will move to committee stage for approval before being presented to both houses for a last and final vote.