People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks.
During this same trip, I also decided to venture out further.
Residents are reportedly too afraid to venture out in Daraa.
Desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she'll miss when she goes.
Desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she'll miss when she goes.
The captain was afraid to venture out to sea, and decided to hug the shore.
Those who are willing to venture out in pursuit of their aims are often the ones who succeed.
Once your trained rigorously for four to six weeks you can be ready to venture out on your own.
You may want to venture out with PALS on June 8, when Venus and Pluto will be so beautifully angled.
But since gangs started pulling people off buses and killing them, he has been too afraid to venture out.
They try to stay near shore but often have to venture out into the open river where the currents are stronger.
Yet, when you're feeling a bit sunnier, you might be more likely to venture out and explore the world around you.
Football, believe it or not, that invites Chelsea's full-backs to venture out of their own half and join the forwards in attack.
There are times you may hear stories about the area you grew up in. It was not safe anymore. No one dares to venture out at night.
"Fortunately the two cats remained inside the zoo complex and did not try to venture out in the streets," zoo warden Narayan Mahanta told AFP.
Like many working parents, Beverly Flaxington armed her daughter with a cell phone in fifth grade, when the time came for her to venture out alone.
Considering that eight years ago Afghan women were not allowed to venture out alone, just participating at all in the elections process marks progress.
He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat. Lobster, " said the crab, "it is foolhardy to venture out on a day like this. "
它着到龙肝虾准备扬帆出海,很是吃惊。 “龙虾,”螃蟹说,”在这样的天气里出海冒险,你真是太鲁莽了!”
Even when Jackson began to venture out and there were rumoured sightings of him in the nearby villages of Moate or Kilbeggan, the Dunnings would deny all knowledge.
"From a very active and social person, I had become invisible", she recounts, explaining how the inaccessible physical environment limited her ability to venture out.
It's not an easy language and nowadays, I think it's important to venture out of your own culture comfort zone and connect with others - especially for South Africans.
In those regions, sky-watchers are advised to venture out away from bright city lights between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. on the 17th, when they should see 30 to 50 meteors an hour.
In those regions, sky-watchers are advised to venture out away from bright city lights between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. on the 17th, when they should see 30 to 50 meteors an hour.