The analysis of tolerated error in the selection of times for flow tests in hydrologic data available is the initial stage work for a hydrologic station to launch hydrologic surveys.
Similar to RAID, IDA permits the reconstruction of data from a subset of the original data, with some amount of overhead for error codes (dependent on the number of tolerated failures).
Since MAXERRORS is specified as 1, the first error where customer_num is 106 itself was not "tolerated" and hence aborted.
由于MAXERRORS 的值指定为1,因此第一个错误(其中 customer_num 为 106)本身就不能 “容忍”,因此查询中止。
When the error involved by Gaussian assumption cannot be tolerated, more accurate noise models and reasonable processing systems have to be considered to avoid significant performance degradation.
In contrast, this signal would work just fine in a data transmission application where a relatively low error rate could be tolerated.
In contrast, this signal would work just fine in a data transmission application where a relatively low error rate could be tolerated.