The anomaly of tooth number is mostly due to hereditary factors.
This paper advanced a practical and succinct formula for tooth number choice of involute gear.
The newborn dolphin's teeth are buried in the gum. The tooth number and distribution style of newb…
The design of involute planetary gear pair with a slightly different tooth number of zero restraint is introduced.
Through theoretical analyzing this paper also amends the rounding-off method for making spanned tooth number K even.
The stub gear tooth is often adopted in the involute planetary gear transmission with a few tooth number difference.
We review the existing problems, the present and future of the research on inner planetary gears with small tooth number differences.
Three-ring gear transmission is a novel type of planetary transmission with small tooth number difference, which was invented by a Chinese engineer.
The approach presented to achieve the modification coefficient and the minimum tooth number is applicable to the silent chain mechanism with all kinds of pitches.
As the gap of teeth of internal matins gears with small tooth number difference is small, several teeth will mate simultaneously after the teeth are deformed by load.
The invention has beneficial effect that meshing diameter and tooth number of the driving gear and the driven gear are the same, thus, ensuring that all the shafts have same main drive speed.
A higher number of deepened periodontal pockets (infection of the gum around the base of the tooth) had a 53 percent increased risk of heart attack compared to those with the fewest pockets.
Archaelogists also discovered a number of larger land-based animals and plant fossils including the sharp tooth of an archosaur and the remains of some ancient conifer-like plants.
Some cars have variable-ratio steering, which uses a rack-and-pinion gear set that has a different tooth pitch (number of teeth per inch) in the center than it has on the outside.
Depending on the sensor model the number of pulses resulting from each gear tooth may be 2 to 16, with the nature of the realtime processing ensuring that this occurs from the first tooth sensed.
根据速度传感器的型号,每一个轮齿产生的脉冲数可以是2- 16,并通过实时处理的特征,确保这一脉冲从第一个轮齿开始旋转时就能感应到。
Changing the number of the teeth of a pinion gear or the hardness of the surface of tooth and other parameters, the different results will be gained.
There are more than 200 genes controlling and adjusting teeth development. They decide tooth position, number, size and shape, etc.
Tooth health is inextricably linked to general health, especially they work cardiovascular disease is concerned, an increasing number of studies conclude.
If either the number of sun or ring gear is not multiple of planet gear, system will run effectively, with lower impaction of tooth mesh in and out.
Results in the patients with mild tooth agenesis, the limited changes in hard and soft tissue parameters were induced only by the number of tooth absence.
The main idea of the single gear tooth analysis is that the vibration signals collected with high sampling rate are divided into a number of segments with the same time interval.
Besides, the relationship between the tooth shape and the helix Angle, and the number of teeth are studied.
This means that wear is evenly distributed over the gears since each tooth on one gear touches on the other gear the same number of times.
The mathematical calculational formulas of machine tools turning Angle and tooth-leap number are deduced in theory.
A positive conductive plate has a large area, large number of heat sinking tooth and heat dissipation holes, and good ventilation and heat dissipation effect.
In this paper introduce the calculation method and example of processing the big prime number straight gear apply the method for calculating the logarithm dispart tooth in Y54 gear shaper.
介绍了在Y 54插齿机上采用对数分齿计算方法加工大质数直齿轮的计算方法和计算实例。
The number of teeth pairs mating simultaneously and the proportion coefficient of the biggest load on a tooth to total load is derived explicitly by means of geometric method and elastic mechanics.
Abstract: Objective: to investigate whether the number of tooth loss are associated with cardiovascular disease in middle-aged and elderly patients.
In case of odd number of teeth, each tooth of the sprocket meshes with the chain per two turns of the sprocket, thus extending service life of the sprocket.
In case of odd number of teeth, each tooth of the sprocket meshes with the chain per two turns of the sprocket, thus extending service life of the sprocket.