Your head should be in-line with the torso and at a level, balanced position (or just slightly forward).
Your head and torso should be in-line with your head slightly bent forward, facing forward, and balanced.
To challenge yourself in this pose, inhale and raise your right leg parallel to the line of your torso, and hold for 30 seconds, keeping the hips level and pressing through the heel.
I could feel the enormous pressure it was exerting on my astral body, my astral head and upper torso was starting to lift free, trying to go up the ROPE following the line of pressure I was creating.
When your hands are on your thighs, the median line of your upper inner arms should align with the median line of of the sides of your torso.
When your hands are on your thighs, the median line of your upper inner arms should align with the median line of of the sides of your torso.