This boasts not only a wireless link, but also a touchscreen interface that is much slicker than the Kindle's clunky buttons.
In contrast, only 2 of the top ten phones are 'touchscreen'.
Only a year later, and so much has changed. Now half of the top ten are touchscreen devices, six include Wi-Fi capabilities, and six have mobile application stores.
It can detect not only fingers but objects on the table - whereas other touchscreen technologies are limited in what they can detect.
Since the only way to interact with the game world is by tapping the Nintendo DS 'touchscreen, I decided the goal of my game would be to tap Otis' strand of drool and release it all over the curry.
Since the only way to interact with the game world is by tapping the Nintendo DS 'touchscreen, I decided the goal of my game would be to tap Otis' strand of drool and release it all over the curry.