First, promoting tourism activities flourish.
There are a variety of rural tourism activities.
In modern tourism activities, tourist security is getting prominent.
Tourism is the tourist and it is in the center of tourism activities;
Because of the allopatry of tourism activities, the tourism procedures can't be avoided.
Time and space are not only the existent way of matter, but of tourism activities as well.
The impacting degree of tourism activities on vegetation was confirmed by Impact Vegetation Index (IVI).
In general, the main tourism activities which is composed of the tourism, tourism object, tourism media.
Many stories are produced in tourism activities. This is a cultural reality hardly dealt with by scholars.
Scenic spot is the core of tourism activities and vector space and an important component of the tourism industry.
However, the concept "culture" is more closed to the media "market" which should not be overlooked in tourism activities.
It was concluded that tourism activities significantly affected the soil ecosystem in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.
The scenic spot is the key vector of tourism activities and one of the basic elements which can support tourism activities.
Emperor Qianlong followed the example of his grandfather and pushed the imperial parade onto the peak of tourism activities.
The impact of tourism activities on subalpine meadow on the south top of Wutai Mountain was analyzed by TWINSPAN and DCA in the paper.
And conference tourism as a vehicle for the conference to carry out tourism activities, and is different from general tourism activities.
The existence of the cultural capital of tourism reveals the basic structure of tourism activities and the power dynamics embodied inside.
For travelers, travel Tours, accommodation, services, tourism and cultural atmosphere of the environment directly affects their tourism activities.
Perceived value has positive effects on respondent's intention to revisit, reflecting in the dimensions of tourism resources and services and tourism activities.
Royal tourists, the literary intelligentsias and scholar-bureaucrats, monks and priests, foreign tourists and women tourists all took part in tourism activities.
The participants of the tourism activities of Liangzhe area in Song Dynasty with extensive composition had already extended obviously to different social classes.
Overall, the tourism resources and services, tourism activities have larger impact on respondent's intention to revisit while the cost value has the least impact.
Furthermore if we want to make both of them reach balance, when we design and develop tourism activities, we have to obey the law and principle of tourism activities.
However, at present there are many bad habits among tourism activities, that indicates our citizens are lack of culture qualities which has aroused attention and criticism.
The agenda of the Conference are as follows: the Opening Ceremony of the Conference on the morning of Oct. 13 will be held in Lushan Cultural and Tourism Activities Centre;
The Underground Plaza is finally the most important element of the project, source of permanent day and night service and tourism activities that enhances and renews the site.
地下广场是该项目最重要的部分, 因为日以继夜的生活服务和各种旅游活动使得这里充满了生机与活力。
Humanism tourism resources are various visible or invisible resources which are developed for humanism tourism activities and take close relationships with local humanism elements.
With the expansion of tourism activities, it is an indispensable problem that the traditional dietetic culture generates cultural variation with the influence of tourism development.
With the expansion of tourism activities, it is an indispensable problem that the traditional dietetic culture generates cultural variation with the influence of tourism development.