Part III studies the legal nature and the content of right of trade name.
Cases involving the conflict between the right of trade name and the trademark right have shown a tendency to increase.
Operator provide online trade platform should take some necessary measures to protect trademark exclusive right and company's name right.
Franchisor is the owner of a franchise who transfers the right of conducting business under a trademark or trade name to a franchisee.
The most essential right in Franchising is intellectual property, including trademark, trade name, patent proprietary technology, sign of service, commercial secret, mode of operation, etc.
From the right to the domain name and domain name, trademark and trade marks, domain names and trademarks associated distinction and three were analyzed.
In the discussion to the setting of the mortgage right for intellectual right, the author set the general principle and had respective explanation to mortgage patent, trade mark, firm name and works.
Makes the awkward aspect which Our country the trade name right dispute with difficulty solves At present, the reason is various, in which legislation lag is the basic reason.
Makes the awkward aspect which Our country the trade name right dispute with difficulty solves At present, the reason is various, in which legislation lag is the basic reason.