For example, when a transaction is distributed, the data might be lost by one of the participants, even after the transaction was committed.
The EJB container verifies that none of the data updated by a transaction has changed before committing the transaction.
Ensuring data consistency in this environment requires some from of transaction management by a transaction coordination service (TCS).
确保此环境下的数据一致性需要事务协调服务(Transaction Coordination Service,TCS)的某种形式的事务管理。
This is because a transaction will time out after it has been active for 120 seconds by default, meaning that you need to have at least 120 seconds of trace data prior to the transaction timeout.
In each scenario, data changes are synchronized automatically, transaction by transaction, or on demand.
For a transaction that is active when a snapshot transaction starts, all data modifications by that transaction, even after that transaction commits, are ignored by the snapshot transaction.
Each query executed by a transaction sees only data that was committed before the query (not the transaction) began. An Oracle query never reads dirty (uncommitted) data.
Its characteristic is that the candidate set is adopted by the key word identifies, and at the same time transaction data is compressed by transaction and item.
Its characteristic is that the candidate set is adopted by the key word identifies, and at the same time transaction data is compressed by transaction and item.