Correlation of events between services in a single business transaction is critical.
The TCS can utilize this information during a transaction by locating the correct set of services, discovering their capabilities, and propagating context information to each service in turn.
In addition to other resource management required by services, the ability to handle concurrency is critical to correct transaction management.
In terms of the TCS, the major resource management issue involves dealing with services that time-out during a transaction operation.
A transaction that transcends the traditional enterprise boundaries brings in more challenges in the form of security for the choreographed services.
The services which did not run in the transaction must then be compensated.
We have explained the basic layout of how the coordination and transaction system in Web services work.
WS-Transaction specifies a protocol for the long running transaction model defined in BPEL as well as atomic transactions between regular web services.
WS -Transaction指定的协议可用于BPEL中定义的长期运行的事务模型和一般的Web服务间的原子事务。
In June Facebook launched a stored-credit system that allows users to pay easily for digital goods and services on the site, which pockets a small commission on each transaction.
Upon authentication of a party in a web services transaction, a company's security policy often needs to be enforced.
Transaction support for services defined in an implementation.spring component is handled by the spring container.
However, the Web services transformer stage has both input and output links and can interact with remote services in a sense of data transaction.
Service Invocation Summary: Use the service Invocation Summary report to view the response times of Web services and endpoints that are invoked in the context of a single business service transaction.
ServiceInvocationSummary:可以通过Service Invocation Summary报告查看在单一业务服务事务的上下文中调用的Web服务和端点的响应时间。
The Spring AOP module provides transaction management services for objects in any Spring-based application.
SpringAOP模块为基于Spring 的应用程序中的对象提供了事务管理服务。
For an example of a poll of an application metric, consider the dpStatusHTTPTransactions2Table table, which contains the transaction rates for all services in a domain over various time intervals.
Since the digital assets are defined as an artifact of the middleware, they can be manipulated in conjunction with other Process Broker services, under a single transaction.
Web services require a flexible and extensible mechanism for controlling requests and outcomes in addition to the behavior offered by traditional distributed and database transaction models.
As Web services transaction technologies mature, you'll see more and more Web services integration in complex and mission-critical systems and transactional business processes.
In addition, it is assumed that you have used the enterprise services tools of WebSphere Studio to create an enterprise service for the IMS transaction that will be used by your new business process.
Readers are encouraged to refer to upcoming web services standards in this space: web services — Coordination (WS-C) and web services — Transaction (WS-T) from OASIS.
读者们可参考此空间中即将上传的Web服务标准:Web服务协作(WS - C)和OASISWeb服务事务(WS - T)。
Those coordinator and participant services are described as port types as defined by the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) in the WS-Transaction specification.
这些协调服务和参与服务在 WS-Transaction规范中通过Web 服务描述语言(WSDL)以端口类型的形式来描述。
In a Web module that implements a Web service, specify Execute using Web Services Atomic transaction on incoming requests to run under a received client transaction context.
在用于实现Web服务的Web模块中,指定Executeusing WebServicesAtomicTransactionon incomingrequests以便在已收到的客户端事务上下文下运行。
In a Web module that invokes a Web service, specify Send Web Services Atomic transaction on requests to propagate the transaction to the target Web service.
在用于调用Web服务的Web模块中,指定Send WebServicesAtomicTransactiononrequests以将事务传播到目标Web服务。
Moreover, the capability declaration notes security policy so that multiple services can participate in a secure transaction communication.
Several tightly coupled services might participate in a single transaction, creating a chain of synchronously interconnected components within the SOA.
Compensation is also available in short-running processes for cases where the invoked services cannot participate in a transaction.
In the case where participating services are not transaction-aware (e.g., stateless), then the TCS will invoke a compensating operation (i.e., "cancel").
In terms of profits from emerging markets, the three network Banks' transaction-services units are much larger.
First we illustrate the problem using a classic style of transaction processing, then we map the old onto a new web services-based mechanism with new advantages in flexibility and interoperability.
First we illustrate the problem using a classic style of transaction processing, then we map the old onto a new web services-based mechanism with new advantages in flexibility and interoperability.