This is a transient condition and a subsequent invocation will ultimately return a different status.
A model based air fuel ratio control system is put forward, which can improve the accuracy of air fuel ratio control under transient condition.
Combustion analyse of ICE under transient condition requires a large amount data. That means the performance of the ICE combustion data acquisition system must be promoted.
The effects of casting process parameters on transformational behavior of primary nondendrite phase and solidification process of ZA27 alloy in stirring are investigated under transient condition.
Objective: To optimize the condition of gene transient transfection in CHO-K1 cell.
目的:以CHO - K1细胞为宿主基因瞬时转染条件的优化。
Mathematical expression of longitudinal transient deformation of tyre tread imprint under motion condition has been derived.
The extracted fault characteristics of transient zero sequence current is looked as condition attributes and the multiple of signal enhancement is.
Based on the principle of modulus maximum, a new approach using scalogram of wavelet transform for transient signal, under noise free condition or noise condition separately, is described.
On this condition, to get exact transient stability limit is quite important for power systems safety and economic op.
Requirements concerning the criterion of transient unsteady state conduction during the process of entering the stage of normal condition are quite different as they appear in various literature.
The analysis and research of engine cylinder pressure and transient speed is the important method to obtain the working condition and breakdown reason of engine.
In this paper an analytical expression of the ct transient response curve of a MOS structure has been derived under the condition that the surface generation rate can be regarded a constant.
The theoretical dynamic simulation models for stationary flow and transient flow under the isothermal and non-isothermal condition are set up based on the three conservation equations.
Pressure transient test in steam injection well is an inexpensive and effective means to determine swept volume and flowing condition of the steam zone.
This prensentation mainly analyzes the transient of uncontrolled RCCAwithdrawal from a subcritical or low power condition for PWR.
The static analysis, modal analysis, special condition analysis, transient analysis during its working process and fatigue analysis of the main frame were done.
Based on simulating transient process of power conversion circuit thoroughly and systematically, working condition of magnetic core is analyzed in detail at various arc loads.
The effect of Jet-Pump in the transient procedure of natural circulation and the resistance behaviour of Jet-Pump in the different flow condition have been analyzed.
The secure operation of power system relates to static security and transient stability, and the transient stability is taken as an illustrative condition in this dissertation.
Locally explicit time-domain radiation boundary condition for 2-d and 3-d transient analyses of wave propagation in unbounded media were developed for the cylindrical and spherical wave equations.
In the first, the general situations of research about transient phase transformation used by both ordinary and special shock tubes, including some experimental condition controls, are introduced.
Many scholars start to pay attention to the life condition of transient population. Second generation of survival condition is also raised the agenda.
In addition, equivalent series reactance of excitation transformer worsens the condition of the thyristor operation, and it can bring transient over-voltage at the moment of switching thyristor.
Therefore, the study on numerical simulation of groundwater transient seepage field of slope under the condition of heavy rainfall is very urgent and necessary.
The characteristic of the transient process of reversible unit under water pump condition of in pumped-storage station was analyzed.
Applying the superposition principle, the transient rate's mathematics model under the variable flowing pressure condition has been introduced.
Applying the superposition principle, the transient rate's mathematics model under the variable flowing pressure condition has been introduced.