The author of the thesis tell us that the "transition economy theory with a target of Crafting Gorge cann't be est…"
A transition economy or transitional economy is an economy which is changing from a centrally planned economy to a free market.
Granted, state involvement is still necessary in a transition economy such as China 's-to marshal resources and gain regulatory approvals.
Secondly, economic characteristics of transition economy is analyzed, the bank-enterprise relation's evolvements and its basic characteristics are discussed.
As a transition economy, the market mechanism of China is not mature, and this leads to the market environment of natural monopoly in China's is great particularity.
They encountered in 80 ~ 1990s transition economy brings to the society of pain, and also saw a movie from the so-called holy art into daily life, reduction of a culture of consumer products helpless.
他们遭遇了在80 ~ 90年代经济转轨给社会带来的剧痛,同时也经历了电影从所谓神圣的艺术走入日常生活,还原为一种文化消费产品的无奈。
And there's a transition: People come in from the countryside, enter the rickshaw economy, and work for almost nothing.
The transition to a more competitive economy will be painful.
As the world's top energy consumers, energy producers and greenhouse gas emitters, the United States and China play central roles in the world's ongoing transition to a clean-energy economy.
Earlier in the month this paper expressed the hope that a needed transition in the American economy had begun, and others have gone further.
America has found the transition to a more entrepreneurial economy easier than its competitors because entrepreneurialism is so deeply rooted in its history.
Kosovo "s economy continues to transition to a market-based system, and is largely dependent on the international community and the diaspora for financial and technical assistance."
Would the economy survive the shock of transition?
Eventually working these off will make the transition to a domestic-led economy slower and more painful.
India's economy is now on the cusp of an historic transition.
India's Rural Employment Act and the country's encouragement of renewable energy are significant examples of how to scale up green growth and accelerate the transition to a green economy.
Without this change, there can be no transition from carbon-burning jalopy to high-tech juggernaut and the drivers of the economy will find it harder to maintain control.
Latin America needs to increase savings rates and to transition to a more knowledge and capital-intensive economy, says the report.
The transition from a planned economy to a market-oriented one in China requires a nearly complete overhaul of the tax system.
'We're going through a transition in the economy back to a more normal share of consumer spending relative to GDP,' said Pual Kasriel of the Northern Trust Corp.
In the us, the industrial age economy is in transition to a service economy, and travel and tourism is responsible for one in every seven workers in the us civilian workforce, directly or indirectly.
First, service premium is a key issue of credit market with the transition from shortage economy to surplus one.
The inhibition of finance in the transition of rural economy in our country includes both the inhibition of supply finance and demand finance.
The inhibition of finance in the transition of rural economy in our country includes both the inhibition of supply finance and demand finance.