SDH is made from SDH network unit. Its basement of transmission technology is frame structure whose net functions include normal management, trouble management and property management and so on.
SDH transmission network is a complicated network system, the attendant should accumulate experience and steadily improve fault treatment ability for keeping the network to running normally.
Associated with the expansion of network, the optimization scheme of transmission net - work is proposed to solve the dispatching of service across the different SDH ring.
SDH is a kind of comprehensive information network Technique which managed by uniform TMN together with multiplex, line transmission and cross collection.
To build nationwide synchronized time net using SDH network, we must study the time delay in SDH network transmission path.
The design results of this paper is in order to lay the foundation for forming the transmission network of SDH (STM-N).
本文的设计成果为进一步形成SDH (STM - N)的传输网络奠定了基础。
The alarm management of electric power SDH transmission network requires alarm information distribution system with high reliability and stronger real-time.
The access network and inter-exchange transport of the PSTN use synchronous optical transmission (SONET and SDH) technology, although some parts still use the older PDH technology.
PSTN中的接入网和内部交换台传送器采用的是同步光纤传输(SONET和SDH)技术,但也有某些地区仍采用过去的PD H技术。
Packet transport network (PTN) is a convergence network of SDH and IP. Under the background of full services operation, this technology represents the development trend of transmission network.
The paper studies an architecture of the databases used in the SDH network management sys-tem (SNMS) which is responsible for managing SDH transmission network composed of multi-vendor equipments.
This paper introduces superiority of ATM and SDH wideband transmission system. It discusses advantage of ATM and SDH, and ATM /SDH wideband information network.
This paper discusses the principles and steps of planning an SDH transmission network in consideration of the characteristics of SDH and present situations of transmission networks in Chi - na.
This paper discusses the principles and steps of planning an SDH transmission network in consideration of the characteristics of SDH and present situations of transmission networks in Chi - na.