All these exquisitely schooled, sophisticated people, each and every one of whom feels special, are presented with two mainly horrible ways to earn a living: trawler fishing and aluminum smelting.
The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland.
The crew of the fishing boat was thrown into the sea when the vessel capsized, but the three men were rescued by another trawler, according to the Mainichi newspaper.
Nomura's jellyfish: the crew of the fishing boat was thrown into the sea when the vessel capsized, but the three men were rescued by another trawler.
It's a typical sight in fishing areas: a trawler or other boat being followed by seabirds eager to gulp down the unwanted fish the crew throws back.
Because the three parts trawl board, trawl and trawler are an integrity in trawl fishing, it is necessary to work out a mechanical calculation of the match.
Because the three parts trawl board, trawl and trawler are an integrity in trawl fishing, it is necessary to work out a mechanical calculation of the match.