A: the core problem of China-Japan relations is that Japan should rightly treat the issues left by the history.
"Taking history as a mirror looking into the future" means to treat history correctly. This is the cornerstone of generation-to-generation friendship between China and Japan.
Just as a medical doctor cannot treat an illness without knowledge of your history and the symptoms you are experiencing, you also need to come up with a diagnosis before tuning your subsystems.
Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory.
The drugs are typically prescribed to treat people with a history of heart attack, stroke or peripheral vascular disease.
There is a long iatrical history for human to treat diseases applying the characteristic of electric fields and magnetic fields.
Aspirin has been a century of history since the invention, during this period, it developed from the drug which treat headache to first-aid medicines used in.
The purposes of western psychology history, psychological history and historical psychology are different, yet all treat historical psychological phenomena as their major aim.
The history of applying magnetic field to treat the industrial water is introduced.
This paper discusses the history of using rhubarb to treat CRF, the application standards and effect judgements.
This is a dish with much history, having originated in the Song era when oranges were still a rare treat and Hangzhou had just become the capital of the Song emperors.
Abstract: the core concept of Cosmopolitanism, which has a long historical tradition in the history of Western thoughts, is to treat everyone equally.
Abstract: the core concept of Cosmopolitanism, which has a long historical tradition in the history of Western thoughts, is to treat everyone equally.